INSERT INTO Category_Type (Weight,Name,Description) VALUES (0.00,'Automated Test','Incident was registered through an automated testing tool.')
INSERT INTO Category_Type (Weight,Name,Description) VALUES (0.75,'Code Error','Incident is a result of incorrect code implementation.')
INSERT INTO Category_Type (Weight,Name,Description) VALUES (0.05,'Cosmetic','Incident is regarding a feature that works as intended, but could look better.')
INSERT INTO Category_Type (Weight,Name,Description) VALUES (0.50,'Change Request','Incident is a request to change application functionality.')
INSERT INTO Category_Type (Weight,Name,Description) VALUES (0.50,'Configuration','Incident is a result of configuration issues.')
INSERT INTO Category_Type (Weight,Name,Description) VALUES (1.00,'Design Flaw','Incident is a result of a application design flaw.')
INSERT INTO Category_Type (Weight,Name,Description) VALUES (0.75,'Documentation','Incident is a result of incorrect documentation for an application feature.')
INSERT INTO Category_Type (Weight,Name,Description) VALUES (0.50,'Education','Incident requires educating users on feature functionality and usage.')
INSERT INTO Category_Type (Weight,Name,Description) VALUES (0.50,'Integration','Incident is a result of integration issues.')
INSERT INTO Category_Type (Weight,Name,Description) VALUES (0.50,'Internal','Incident is a result of internal discussion, outside the usual development process.')
INSERT INTO Category_Type (Weight,Name,Description) VALUES (0.50,'New Feature','Incident is a request for a totally new feature to extend application functionality.')
INSERT INTO Category_Type (Weight,Name,Description) VALUES (1.00,'Requirement','Incident is a required feature that has not been implemented according to specifications.')
INSERT INTO Category_Type (Weight,Name,Description) VALUES (0.50,'Source Inspection','Incident is a result of a code review.')
INSERT INTO Category_Type (Weight,Name,Description) VALUES (0.75,'Third Party','Incident is a result of a 3rd party product.')
INSERT INTO Category_Type (Weight,Name,Description) VALUES (1.00,'Unknown','Incident is of unknown type.')
INSERT INTO Category_Type (Weight,Name,Description) VALUES (0.00,'N/A','Category is not applicable.')